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The Beginning is Near

People are afraid of the unknown, of the dark, of what cannot be proven scientifically. Ever since the beginning of time people would create myths in attempt to explain what dwells in these dark places of time and space and they would create stories about the heroes’ that battled them. These battles represent what people hope to see in themselves and in their society. The heroes’ represent themselves, and the leaders of their respected countries and cultural ideals. The dark creatures and spaces are the unknown answers to questions, we are not sure that we really want the answer to. One myth that captured the attention of our modern culture was the event of the Mayan Calendar ending on December 21, 2012. This myth made people question how our world is being run and their own life choices as a potential end approached. The cultural phenomenon of, ‘the end of the world in 2012’ was more popular than other doomsday events due to technology, environmental changes, and social changes in out society that we have not experienced before in history.

Fear of end of the world due to our own destruction of the environment has been a topic of conversation not only amongst hippies but also with the political leaders of our world during the last few decades. Our population’s blind overuse of natural resources is something that we have been trying to deny for years. Our society can use the Mayan prediction as an excuse that it wasn’t our fault, that the world would not be able to sustain us any longer. This perfectly shows an example of a coping mechanism that our society is using. We are using this to cope with the fact that we may have made many poor decisions in our personal lives and in our world governments’, related to the environment. Any event in life with a defined ending makes one reflect on their actions and what the future holds for them. When someone graduates from college or any segment of skills training or finishes any trip, they normally reflect on what they have gained, wish they could have done better, what they hope to accomplish in the future and so on. Humans are scared of their own inability to foresee the future, and often doubt themselves on important decisions. So when something as big and threatening as the world potentially ending, it is sure to cause waves of uncertainty and doubt. People deal with these things differently; some will totally oppress the situation, while others take dramatic steps of action in attempt of gaining control of the abstract future. If someone tells you the world and your life is going to end they are going to mentally evaluate things they wishes they would have done differently in life. They are also highly likely; going to have extreme reactions to what they believe is the right thing to do before death. This predicted event of the ‘end of the world’ in 2012, made people think about their own mortality, bringing up the common human fear about what happens after death. In order to deal with this approaching event people had a variety of different reactions. A few going as far to sacrifice themselves before the ‘end’, others stocking up on food and survival items, others traveling to participate in Mayan ceremonies, and others completely denying the whole thing. While it seems that wasn’t necessarily a correct path of action to take since most of us are still here several years later it is important to take note of how humans dealt with myth and why it was so important.

While there have been many ‘end of the world’ conspiracy theories, the 2012 doomsday theory seems to have been the most popular. This is partially due to modern media that encompasses our society today. Previous to 2012, other doomsday events were by spread word of mouth, and maybe one TV channel. For the event of 2012, it was ‘advertised’ through television, movies, all different forms of social media and through books. With the increase of mobile smart phones, people were able to transfer and share any type of information much easier and faster than ever before. Word was able to spread easily during this time too, since people could facebook, instagram, twitter, and other things to each other. With social media becoming ‘a social norm’ information about the event of 2012 spread quickly and often. During the scare of Y2K people were untrusting of computers, but for the 2012 scare computers had succeed in being a prominent aspect in most people’s lives. Mobile smart phone devices allowed people to share photos and stories related to this event on the go. The advance in photography and film also allowed for this event to be market in a several different multimedia ways. Photos of Mayan ruins, photo-shopped images of the earth exploding, and films about an apocalyptic end flooded the media (CNN).

In addition 2012 was popular because it had some significance in the scientific world, historic world, and world of conspiracy theories. Leading up to 2012 there were several TV shows that specifically mentioned the date 2012, including; UFO conspiracy, The X-Files. In addition to that the History channel had aired a handful of specials that were focused on 2012 theories, these shows started in 2005 and went all the up to 2012. They included Decoding the Past, End of our days, Last Days on Earth, Seven Signs of the apocalypse and Nostradamus. The film ‘2012’ was also a major motion picture that spread the idea of the end of the world to the public. These pieces of film were successful because ones like the UFO shows had their own information and random clips of UFO sightings to full their show and capture a specific audience. Their theories of aliens coming to earth were only an added bonus layer of the larger 2012 theory. Shows like Decoding the Past allowed for the producers to take historic information about the Mayans and elaborate on that information to capture audiences (Global Issues). This is an example of humans using their mythos to follow and listen to stories, while also using their logos to make a profit and educate people about this ‘myth’ of the end of the world. Shows about Nostradamus related to another niche audience that followed his predictions about worldly events. All these different shows, while that had a similar message, appealed to different groups of people, therefore reaching a large variety of audiences (Blodget).

Producers must have used their logos and decided to take advantage of this opportunity to continue on this new theme to create thrilling films. These types of action thriller films are appealing to a large variety of audiences. This style of film allows for a very open plot line, making it fairly easy for filmmakers to create a piece of art that will be enjoyed by the masses. Also thriller films about the end of the world are a perfect opportunity for film companies to portray their skills in computer generated images and special effects. Which are becoming more and more important in our world of art, because audiences have become so accustomed to violent video games and lots of special effects incorporated in most feature films.

People were more accepting to this theory because it was not tied to any major religious belief system. This is not to down play the cultural significance of the Mayan belief system but just to say, but just to say it made the “believing field more even/open.” Also the Mayans lived in supposedly lived in harmony with nature, or at least they were much more connected to the natural cycles of the earth than we are today. While we understand many things they did not, it is impressive to most that they were able to calculate when different astronomical events would occur. As well as create large temples and align them perfectly to capture events with the sun and the moon. The Mayan’s knowledge of the land made people second guess ‘the end of world’ more than they might have if someone else presented it. This concept of the calendar ending was something everyone could understand and relate to. It wasn’t as far fetched as people coming back from the dead or robots taking over, it was a fact. And there was scientific data gathered by astronomers to prove that something out of the ordinary was happening. Some of the theories of what would happen on December 21, the winter solstice included; solar flares, Earth colliding with another planet, and the magnetic poles shifting. The global community was concerned with all this potential events because each of them had some truth to them. As a society we questioned if we had become too distant and unconnected from the earths cycles and may have missed something. A feeling of alienation and doubt temporarily entered people’s minds, wondering if they make a mistake in the care of the earth. This feeling has obviously not lasted with our society, as environmental sustainability is still low on the global governments priority list. Even so at the time of 2012, these topics of social and environmental change were being discussed at a political level, which is why this phenomenon of people being so interested in this event increased. Due to global warming and our large increase of carbon emissions our ozone layer has thinned, which make us more susceptible to solar flares. During the summer leading up to the winter months of 2012, earth experienced some of the largest solar flares recorded. As well as air pollution levels were higher than ever, causing people to be more concerned. Next throughout history, including the extinction of dinosaurs, Earth has experienced damage from meteors, so the concept of colliding with another planet was not totally new. In October of 2012 a meteorite did hit earth, landing in Russia and there were predictions of more colliding with earth in the future as well (ABC News). Also scientists have been recording a change in the location of magnetic north for thousands of years and it will continue to change for the next thousand years, so it not something to be immediately concerned with, while it is a valid scientific fact (NASA).

Some specific changes that relate to this cultural event are that our society has become so involved in their media. And following what other people do via online applications, that can shape people’s opinions. Some specific political changes include the government being selfish to their personal benefits and not catering to the greater good as much.

As people try to make sense of these fears and cope with them, many choose to travel to the ruins of the Mayan empire in search of answers. While, when asked people may respond differently why they choose to travel to the Yucatan Peninsula, their id, would really reveal that they traveled there in hopes that the trip would answer some questions that are impossible to answer. Questions that we ask ourselves; “What happens after we die? Will the world come to a fiery end because of all of our wrong doings? Will the world ever end? Ect.” As Freud discusses in his writing, the id is your inner desires and unconscious wants. The ego is our waking, conscious life. The super ego is the part of our selves that judges things, deals with ethics, mortally, and balancing everything out. Therefore it is people’s id that is bringing up the fear and uncertainty of what will happen after December 21, 2012, after death, and if they just remain stationary in life. It is their ego that goes out and buys the plane ticket to Mexico. And their super-ego that battles with all of this. That battles with the choices of whether they are just traveling to go see this place, as part of a large flock of sheep that want to be able to say they have been to ‘the Mayan Ruins’ in Mexico, or are they part of the hippie group that plans to partake in ceremonies at the ruins. Or if they just want a good family vacation, or want to help make an alien landing pad, more are unsure. No matter what the reason is for traveling, your inner id is using this trip as a coping mechanism. Therefore your feeling of uncertainty is partly being fulfilled by the journey of traveling itself. People traveling to Mexico during 2012 shows the lengths people are going to distract them selves from potential problems in the past and that they would try new things to try to make the best of the situation.

Lauren Armstrong talks about Mythos and Logos from a historical perspective and how they relate to how our society functions. She describes Logos as our ‘recognition of mortality’, as well as our ability to live and make decisions in the present tense. It is our awareness of the past and our knowledge that we all will someday die. Logos is our inner reason, inner reality, and allows us to function effectively in the world. Also with our uncertainty of our previous history and the overwhelming uncertainty of what happens after death, that is where Mythos comes in. Mythos involves telling stories that help us explain the unknown. It gives us metaphors to help our brain process human grief, struggles, and feelings. Our Mythos is humans attempting to reach transcendence, a greater plane of understanding. People go about this through religion, ritual, and stories as new mental extensions from our normal reality.

People during 2012 were also attempting to move past the environmental and political struggles our society has faced. Some believed, which is more true than the world ending, that it was a chance for mankind to ‘re-awake.’ Some believed that it the change in cycles of the calendar and earth would allow us as humans to reach greater enlightenment and the general ‘kundali’ energy of the earth would change for the better.

As Carroll states “ identification inspired by characters, fiction allows for a unique experience” and that is an important part of the human mind (91). People like to watch films and hear stories of hero’s and how they conquer the darkness. Normally heroes’ are fighting evil demons or a “bad guy” of sorts, but almost always that bad guy represents the unknown, or the societies fears. The hero has to overcome them by first overcoming himself. These tales, myths of aspiration and success, give the viewers satisfaction in the characters and hope in themselves. Campbell also states that, “the effect of the successful adventure of the hero is the unlocking and release again of the flow of life into the body of the world (Campbell 40). So this means that by having success in whatever way that may be for you personally on your trip you will leave with a greater sense of accomplishment. Letting you back into your everyday life with more confidence and empowerment. Since we don’t have as many structured rituals in our modern society (Campbell 10), the ‘excuse’ of the winter solstice in the year 2012 was a perfect time for people to use that as personal ritual, right of passage to figure themselves out more. A example of a specific Mayan myth is; the story of how the Gods where created, and how they created humans are all myths that the Maya’s relied on to serve as answers for their many unanswered questions. The reason why they created the ball game court, a place for a brutal game, in which to reenact one of their creation stories, in which two brothers fought in the underworld, was because of mythos. The aspect of right of passage was very important for the Mayans and modern society felt that by traveling to the ruins and learning about their different ceremonies it may help them in this pivotal time. For the Mayan’s some of their heroes included the brothers that started the ball game and therefore they honor them, and try to act like them. The Mayans would make temples in honor of things they believed in. They made ball courts to re-enact the battle. They also make the temple of Chichen Itza in partial honor of the serpent god. The stairs leading up to the top of the temple, would create a shadow that looked like a serpent climbing the temple steps every eclipse, because of the way the sun would shine. This is a way the Mayans would use to coop with the unknown powers and show their respect.

In addition, another example of our society using cultural events to deal with issues can be found in the 2013 Man of Steal- Superman film. Film is a major part of our culture, it is a way for people to escape from reality and also to create other realities that ‘people’ may be thinking about. The film is an important myth in our culture. For us Superman is an example hero for us to look up to and try to be like. Our society creates toys and re-enactments of Superman honor him and what he represents. To expand on that, the film Man of Steal shows the planet of Krypton and how the inhabitants of that planet have over mined their planet of natural resources. As a result of their over mining the core of their earth warmed exponentially and ended up destroying the planet. This is a parallel to what is happening on our planet today and to what people feared in 2012. Then when the Kryptonions travel to earth and attempt to take over, that relates to another fear that humans had during 2012. As well a potential course of action for us, to attempt to colonize mars as a second option for our species. In the film it shows Superman and his enemy battling in New York City, where they destroy many large buildings. This was a way for society to reflect and move past the trauma of the destruction that the terrorist attacks of September 11th caused. Seeing things in films can make them seem real and relatable; while also making them seem very fictional and a way for us express deeper feelings. That is what the Superman film did, as well as the different film creations about 2012.

In conclusion, It is true that the Mayan Calendar ended on 12-21-12, however, their calendar functions similarly to our, where it cycles through, where we as modern humans have a 12 month cycle that we follow so strictly. The Mayan’s had a calendar that cycled every ‘Baktun,’ which contains 144, 00 days equal to 395 years (Melchizedek). The Mayans had a very specific logos of why they created this calendar system, in accordance with the stars, and cycles of the moon and sun. This was their way to plan the future, and inventing a new tool to help their society function and progress. So people did not need to be so concerned about the end of the world, rather than the beginning of the world a, new start, a new chance. This cultural phenomenon allowed for people to reflect and cope with different concepts. Environmental issues, technology and our social reactions propelled it.

Works Cited:

Blodget, Henry. “Here’s Why Lots Of People Think The World Is About To End.”

Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 18 Dec. 2012. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

“Live Blog: Meteor Falls in Russia; Asteroid 2012 DA14 Passes.” ABC News. ABC

News Network, 15 Feb. 2013. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

Melchizedek, Drunvalo. Serpent of Light: The Movement of the Earth’s Kundalini and

the Rise of the Female Light, 1949-2013. San Francisco, CA: Weiser, 2008. Print.

“Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012- NASA Science.” Near Miss: The Solar

Superstorm of July 2012 – NASA Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

“News Headlines in 2012.” –Global Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

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